Sunday, August 21, 2016


In my book 'Magical Motherhood', I only deal with the four temperaments in passing. This is because the focus of the book is more on the infant than the toddler and growing child. Here is the link to four excellent articles that will give you an idea what it's all about. I consider that recognizing your child's temperament and learning how to respond to that is one of the most helpful keys you can have.

Childhood is a time, of course, when the happy, sanguine temperament can often hold sway, in the same way that we tend to grow melancholic in old age.

So, dear readers, without more ado, here is the promised link for you to follow:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Last night we were visiting the grandsons. In their front garden they have a rope swing that hangs from a branch of their sturdy and tall maple tree and I can tell you they make good use of it. This reminded me of happy times in our nearby park when they were little, and how even from tiny tots they loved to swing, and, unlike some adults, seemed to never tire or suffer any ill effects from the back and forth motion... probably because of the rhythm.

Yes, this is healthy and fun for the little ones.

What came to me also was the chant and the song I used. The chant is a simple one:

'Swing swong, all the day long... ' to be repeated as long as you wish, each time you push the swing forward.

Now for the song. Take a look at this website:  It's worth the read and you'll enjoy the happy photos.

I wanted also to share the tune with you. Unfortunately I couldn't find a direct link, nor a good sound quality video. But take a look in any case because the tune is an easy one to pick up and certainly enhances the experience for the child. On youtube, search for    swing me higher obediah  sung by Florrie Forde on Vintage British Comedy.

So, dear care-givers, get swinging!