Thursday, May 19, 2022


 When I wrote 'MAGICAL MOTHERHOOD, a series of Letters to Cheryl' technology had not taken hold to the extent we live with today. Most of us still read books you could hold in your hand and physically turn the pages rather than scrolling through on-line text.

Yesterday I was taking my usual mid-morning coffee break and switched on the radio to listen to classical music. Julie Nazrella was introducing her next piece and speaking about latest research regarding reading a bedtime story to a child. This research reveals the difference between holding a real book in your hand rather than a device and tells of the advantages, that there's an intimacy which is lacking when you read off a screen. Also, there's more opportunity for exchanges, and therefore more chance of connecting with your child.

Don't forget, though, the value of actually telling a story rather than reading it! My four still remember with great affection the stories 'Grandad' invented and told in his special story-telling voice. He had a special gift, yes, but small children are not critical (as wise daughter Kate once told me) and anytime you bring your imagination into play provides nourishment.

So, dear carers, read a book, invent a story.... make lasting MAGIC for your little ones.