Saturday, April 16, 2011

About Beauty

The Blue-eyed Boy, who's now four and three quarter years old, is standing below this picture. He opens the conversation.
     'Nana, why do you have a storm in your house?'
     'That's a painting Oupa's parents gave to us,' I explain, not wanting to tell him it's a question I've asked myself a time or two, especially if I consider the metaphorical significance. 'One of these day I might put one of Uncle Richard's paintings there instead.'
     Uncle Richard is an artist who paints mostly abstract oils. He was kind enough to draw the madonna and child image that is on the front of 'Magical Motherhood'.

 If you're interested in his work, you can take a look at Personally, I like his kind of abstract art because it requires more than a simple cursory response from the viewer (i.e. me).

     Blue-eyed boy spends a moment or three thinking about this. Then he says, very seriously, 'But Nana, it's beautiful!'
I have to confess, that made me choke up. This wasn't only because of his carefully-considered remark. No, it's because it's such a wonderful and precious thing when a child can recognize beauty, especially when so often today, we are surrounded by ugliness. More, children need to be taught and guided towards what is beautiful. So I was glad, and thankful that the adults who guide him have been going in the right direction.

p.s. re my photography skills: not to make you feel seasick or anything!