Yesterday I mentioned a little girl with a musical talent she got from her dad. Maybe she'll so something with this when she's grown. But maybe it won't turn into her career. In any case, music is such a wonderful hobby to have and such a help in all sorts of ways. The interesting thing is, she's set on becoming a writer and already has quite some stories written.
When you read biographies or interviews with famous people, it's remarkable how often they claim a very early awareness of what they want to do or become. Two I've heard just recently, from people with backgrounds that we could call less than enabling, were: "I'm going to be an opera star." and "I'm going to be a New York Times best-selling author."
So, what's it all about?
We bring resolves with us from the heavenly world and come to earth with certain intentions. One of these is to work on our karma, and (hopefully) turn it to the good. Let's pray we all help our earth to survive for long enough years to come so that we can accomplish this.
But we also come with certain gifts to bring: talents, abilities, that start to manifest quite early. It's good to notice them and even better if you can make some notes in the child's book, you know, that one you've kept from babyhood where you've written down funny sayings as well as how the little one's dentition progressed and what illnesses have come along. You have been doing this, haven't you? If not, there's still time to start. Yes, it's an effort but one that pays off down the line.
The thing is, the guidance we give our children doesn't stop when they go to school, or start driving a car, or even when they leave home, have a family of their own and so on. We need to be as wise as we can for them. Observation of such things as talents and intentions can help along the way.
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
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- Using imitation to help (1)
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