The most recent report on research to catch my attention had to do with putting on weight. More specifically, the researchers focused on cannabis users who, as is common knowledge, suffer from 'the munchies'. What the researchers proved was that the 'smokers' didn't put on weight as other people would, but they had no idea what the reason was.
Spiritual science brings an explanation.
One of the basic tenets is that our physical body has an overall organizing principle. This is what sustains our form and prevents us from the 'dust to dust' that happens after we die. We call this the etheric, life-body, or, most accurately, the body of formative forces. Now, at the risk of upsetting some folks, I have to suggest that using cannabis interferes and even destroys this body of formative forces. Put another way, you could say any kind of drug-taking has a chaoticizing effect. (quick note: if you've done some of these in the past, don't beat yourself up. What's done is done.)
So, with regard to our children, we want to preserve these etheric forces that begin to work in the womb and are mostly strongly present during the child's first seven years.
The best way to do this is by providing your child with bio-dynamic food. I know this is not always possible or easy. For myself, I've rather lapsed over the last years and have simply gone with organic. But last week a friend was away and offered me her CSA share from our local b-d farmer. We got onions, potatoes, tomatoes, red peppers, beans, marrow and parsley. I haven't used them all yet, but the first thing that struck me was the parsley. When I began chopping some to add to a soup, the most parsleyish smell drifted into my nose. Amazing!
Then there were the onions, the shape most pleasingly round. And the layers of flesh... All I can say is that it was somehow denser, crisper. That applied to the potatoes too. All this made me realize how kind of soft and sloppy my usual onions and potatoes are. And I started thinking, 'yes, I need to make the effort again and get me some bio-dynamic food'.
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
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