Sunday, December 30, 2012

The magic of Christmas

At midnight on Christmas Eve, I love to step outside and look upwards, opening myself to the heavens. I hold in my imagination that wonderful image of the angels shining and jubilating at the birth of the Christ child. If the stars are visible, so much the more wonderful.

Our family came for a visit. We lit the tree and sang some carols, accompanied by our son on the clarinet. Afterwards he called to thank us for the evening and said how much he'd longed for our grandsons to experience just this, the same magic he'd experienced as a child. You can surely imagine how touched I was by his words. They affirmed for me the importance of bringing such images to our small ones, true soul food that can bring strength for later life.

More on what we did on this occasion next time.
Till then, remember that we are still living in the grace of the Holy Days and Nights.