Gifts are still on my mind because I went to a baby shower last Saturday. Actually, it was more of a 'welcome little stranger' party, because the baby was there and no shower had previously happened. Recently I've observed that more and more mothers-to-be are saying 'no' to knowing the baby's sex before it's born. Maeve lay there, so sweetly still, so heavenly, so very precious. I know it's almost a cliche, but truly, little children come 'trailing clouds of glory', as Wordsworth so aptly said.
I happened to be sitting next to an elderly German woman, and mentioned to her how one of the best gifts Miranda had received after she was born was a silver spoon. I used this to feed her her first solids, and gave it to her when she established her own home.
"We used to put our water in a silver jug," my neighbour told me, "because we believed that was healthy."
This made total sense to me. After all silver (argentum) is used as a remedy in homeopathic medicine. Silver is connected with the moon forces, and we know that we're affected by the moon in its waxing and waning, approaching and retreating. As we are to all planets, in fact.
Matthew was given a small silver cup. When I find it I'll take a photo because the shape is ideal for giving baby those first sips out of a cup, and manageable for a toddler to hold on his or her own.
How much more wonderful than plastic. And still unbreakable!
On another note, one of my blog readers remarked that I have a lot to say. Indeed! Almost every post leads me in at least two more directions! So I'll pick up some threads as I go along. In the meantime, I'm still on deadline and have to delay a longer post that's on my mind. Also, the family's move to a new home is completed. I want to share with you the wonderful thing Cheryl did to help the boys with the transition. So I'll ask her to tell me again, make some notes and then put them up.
Till next time, love and light to you all.
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
- Angels (1)
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- Behaviour (1)
- Books (1)
- Books and toys (1)
- Clothes (1)
- Dolls (2)
- Empowerment (1)
- Food (1)
- Gender (1)
- Help from Heaven (1)
- Homeopathy (1)
- Imitation (1)
- Jokes (1)
- Knitting and Brain development (1)
- Living with the Seasons (1)
- Making magic (1)
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- Reincarnation (2)
- Screen time? (1)
- Shock (2)
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- Silver magic (1)
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- Soul (1)
- Teaching (2)
- The blessings of Nature (3)
- The Four Elements (1)
- TV (1)
- Using imitation to help (1)
- Warmth 2 (1)