Sometimes I think the golden key to parenting is to sense the moment and seize it. If you can develop this skill and go with the moment, you'll be helping both yourself and the child. From the very early stages of babyhood when you start to learn, for example, just when baby needs to nurse, sleep, or have a diaper change, right up till the teenage time, when it'll be really important to sense when your teenager needs to talk. Yes, your parenting will likely be easier if you can coast that moment.
Like so much about bringing them up, our children train us. For instance, babies will reach for the spoon you're holding, or maybe put their hand on yours as it comes towards their mouths. This gives you the clue that they're wanting to give feeding themselves a try. You may well balk, because you know this is going to get messy. Very messy. But you'll go with it if you're brave.
Then there's toilet training. Somewhere between two and two and a half years, I believe, a child will naturally start to acquire control of their bodily functions. Girls are usually sooner than boys on this. Co-operate by encouragement and even by leaving off the diapers and using underpants. Again, things are going to be messy for a bit, but the achievement will make all worthwhile. Let alone the eventual convenience for you. That is, of course, after you've discovered all the toilets around town.
Now there's a biggie which I'm going to address in a separate post when I'm feeling brave enough. It's one which rouses a lot of emotion, and has to do with breast-feeding. Here again, I believe, it's good to be open to signs that indicate the time is right to let go.
Of course, sometimes we may miss the moment, intentionally or unintentionally. Then we can take comfort in knowing there's usually a second chance.
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
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