Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be awake to your child's future destiny

A new friend asked me, "How was it that you came to North America?"

So I explained about the practical side, how my husband had been offered work, it was time for us to downsize and so forth. And then I also told her about how Ben, our fourth born, knew that his future destiny lay on this continent.

Which brought something from long ago back into my mind.

I must have been around ten years old and very much into my ballet dancing when I wrote my first poem. Unfortunately, my mom was the opposite of a packrat and at some point in my teens or twenties she threw away all my first writings. (balance in all things, people!... but she was generally so wonderful that I don't hold it too much against her. It's just that looking back would be interesting.)

I don't remember the first lines, but somewhere in the middle I wrote:

And I will go, over the sea
To study in America.

Yes. Here I am, even if it is in my elderly age rather than the younger. Because I went to England not so long after I wrote that.

As I wrote in an early post, the demands and wishes our children place upon us vary from the simply (!) physical, to the more difficult soul needs, and then to the more subtle and harder to catch spiritual aspect. Future destiny, I'd say, lies in this last, and it's helpful if we can be awake to what the child intends and wants to do in this present earthly life.

Actually, I'd say that, for me, my ballet had to do with finishing off something from a previous incarnation. Why else, when I'd been so passionate about it, would I have been able to let it go so easily when I turned eighteen?

But that's by the way. What I can tell you now is that, like his dad, the Blue-Eyed boy is all about design. As a small example, here's one of his recent 'plays', done all by himself and almost by instinct.