Karma and our karmic connections have been much on my mind lately. So much of our interrelations can become clearer if we look at them in the light of previous experiences together. I'm leaving aside the concept of new karma for now because there are a couple of points I'd like to raise as regards our children.
In my experience and observation, it's true that mothers are likely to have the strongest karma with their first born. Sometimes this can lead to difficulties and clashes that need to be worked through somehow or other. I was fortunate that this wasn't the case with me and Miranda. In fact, rather the opposite. My sense is that our connection from previous lives is stronger than that with her dad, whereas with our second daughter, Helen, it's the other way around.
This, of course, has nothing to do with love and doesn't interfere with it. It's simply that there are differences.
And of course we also know there are differences brought about through the very fact of birth order. Since Dr. Karl Konig's groundbreaking book 'Brothers and Sisters' other research has been done and is easily found. But his small book was useful to me. Anything to help us understand the enigmas that are our children, right?
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
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