When you're the much-adored first born, it's not always easy to adjust to the arrival of a rival i.e. a younger sibling. The Blue-Eyed Boy still struggles with this, although he asks for his brother if Curly-Locks isn't around. So, as I wrote already, I bought a book for him for his birthday.
The book is 'I Love You, Blue Kangaroo' by Emma Chichester Clark, and I can recommend it. I ordered and bought it through an independent book store... please, let's support those valuable resources!
Anyhow, it went down well. On request, we read it three times in a row!
Which brings me to something I wanted to say. A while ago, the Blue-Eyed Boy was getting a ride back from kindergarten with friends who lived near by. He was restless in the car, so his dad suggested the taxi-mom give him a book to read (or rather, to look at). So she took books in the car and this worked fine. Until she reported that she'd run out of books!
'Just give him the same ones,' Dad replied.
And she did.
Yes, children can live with the same few books and toys for years. In fact, this is a better way to go than always providing new things to adjust to. Especially if these books and toys are of good quality, they lessen anxiety and add to the child's sense of security.
Next up: how to 'read' to your small child
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
- Angels (1)
- Art (1)
- Behaviour (1)
- Books (1)
- Books and toys (1)
- Clothes (1)
- Dolls (2)
- Empowerment (1)
- Food (1)
- Gender (1)
- Help from Heaven (1)
- Homeopathy (1)
- Imitation (1)
- Jokes (1)
- Knitting and Brain development (1)
- Living with the Seasons (1)
- Making magic (1)
- Meaningful activity (1)
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- Screen time? (1)
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- Silver magic (1)
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- Soul (1)
- Teaching (2)
- The blessings of Nature (3)
- The Four Elements (1)
- TV (1)
- Using imitation to help (1)
- Warmth 2 (1)