Monday, June 6, 2011

Promises, promises

I see I promised to write more on reincarnation today, but actually I'm not. I thought it was time for a couple of images, so you'll be getting those instead.

But before I go there, let's back up. I told you I was going to do something and then renegued. Not a good idea, especially when dealing with small children. In order to avoid disappointments and unfulfilled expectations (i.e. negative impacts on the soul) it's better not to say 'after lunch we'll do this or that', or 'tomorrow we'll go to the beach' in case something else comes up and you don't manage. In any case, children live in the present and while they're small it's better to keep it that way. A corollary would be, too, not to call on their memories. For little ones, what's past is past and it can be anxiety-making and stress-inducing if you ask them to recall experiences (what happened yesterday?) or people (do you remember so-and-so?), for instance.

Enough already. Here are the pics I want to share with you today. First of all, a couple of treasured wooden elephants.

And now, a little fox that Curly-Locks loves.

I picked him up at our neighbour's garage sale a couple of weeks ago. Quite delightful, non?

So, you ask, what's significant about these? Well, simply that they capture something of the essence of elephant, the essence of fox. These days I notice many toys, soft ones in particular, that are so far from anything of the essence of an animal you can hardly tell what they are... dog or rabbit or bear?

We all carry animal nature within ourselves. "You rat!' "You snake!" elephant?" From what I read about elephants, that's more likely to be complimentary than derogatory. Still, it's more helpful for a child if they can see the essence of various animals. And please, not, if possible dinosaurs. That would be my exception to the concept.

And tomorrow? More on reincarnation. I promise.