Two posts ago, I mentioned reincarnation to back up my position on the gender neutral baby. Now I want to take this a little further.
Am I a believer? You bet. Or rather, let's put it this way: I live my live as if it were true. Why? As I wrote before, because how else do I make sense of life events, trials and relationships? Taking the view that this is one life in a series of lives helps me with my own development and growth (it matters more). But it also widens my possibilities for understanding and approaching with more generosity of soul than I might otherwise those with whom I come into contact. This means people who are close (friends and family), medium (again, friends and family) and far (acquaintances, business colleagues, store clerks, passers by etc.)
Especially, though, for me the idea of reincarnation helps when dealing with children. I mean, we all want our kids to be beautiful, intelligent and perfectly behaved, right? Now, if it's all down to me as biological parent and heredity, I'm going to blame myself if my child doesn't measure up to that impossible standard. But if I take the view that some difficulty is a challenge he or she has brought with her from a past life, then I can do something. We can work together to bring help and healing.
Also, we can take comfort in the thought that babies bring with them everything they need, as potential, anyhow. We don't want to divert or undermine their spiritual heritage. This is why I'm always on about protecting the body and the soul, especially from shocks and age-inappropriate activities.
Brought from a practical point of view, with hands-on tips and observations.
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- Help from Heaven (1)
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- Living with the Seasons (1)
- Making magic (1)
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- Recipe (1)
- Reincarnation (2)
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- Shock (2)
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- Soul (1)
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- The blessings of Nature (3)
- The Four Elements (1)
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- Using imitation to help (1)
- Warmth 2 (1)