Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sitting at table

Yesterday we had our five year old grandson to spend the day. This means, of course, that he needs a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack, as well as lunch.

Like most small kids, he's more interested in playing than sitting at table, although he does this fairly willingly. What I noticed, though, is that he sat sideways, as if ready to take off whenever the impulse hit. So I made sure he brought his legs into alignment with his body so that he was sitting 'properly', as my dear mother would have said.

And I made sure he asked to be excused (please) before he got down.

These small disciplines are helpful to children.

Another thing, more for you to attend to than the child, is to be sure the plates or bowls they're eating from are directly in front of them.

The ritual of lighting a candle and saying a short grace will provide nourishment to your little one's soul as well as the body.