Thursday, January 16, 2020


This morning I looked out my bedroom window and admired the fresh-fallen snow. A mom with two small kiddlies was trudging through the snow, pulling a sled behind her. The snowsuit-clad children were doing that magical childhood thing of delighting in the experience. And I thought 'Good for her!' i.e. the mom.

Most mornings, as I eat my breakfast, I see a few of the neighbourhood kids walking past my front windows on their way to school. Over the past couple of weeks we've had some severely cold weather, with the windchill something like -22. I'm glad I don't have to go out! But I get distressed to see girls around nine or ten years, wearing tights and no other covering on their legs. The kindergarten teacher who was my mentor emphasized how important it is for girls to keep the nether regions warm. Perhaps the daughters complained about putting on snow pants, but sometimes, mothers need to insist!