Friday, September 23, 2011


Supplements are big business, and they can be useful. Just yesterday my eye was caught by a newspaper report that suggests Co-Enzyme Q10 can be helpful for women trying to conceive and for the possible prevention of miscarriage. Seeing as these days more women are delaying pregnancy until they enter their thirties, I thought this would be worth a mention.

As to small children, a dietary supplement can make a big difference. I'm thinking of times of convalescence, or when your kid is looking 'peaky'. The one I can recommend is Catalyn Chewable, which is a produce by Standard Process. And no, I have no vested interest in promoting that!

In fact, my instinctive preference is not to take supplements at all. However, in today's denatured world, that's not necessarily wise or the best way to go. Like anything to do with the computer, I take this on a 'needs to use' basis. And yes, supplements have helped me considerably in the past. As has the computer, for that matter!