Monday, November 26, 2012

King Winter arrives!

And his timing couldn't have been better. See, I bought this yesterday at our Waldorf Christmas Fair, always a place to discover treasures.

You'll see he takes pride of place, along with the miniature marble bust of Nefertiti. I, along with many others, was Nefertiti in a previous incarnation. Not. But certainly, I spent time in ancient Egypt. And not so ancient Egypt, actually, because I bought her years ago in the Cairo museum.

But I digress. This is what we woke up to this morning:

Yes, the first snow of the winter season. Always so breathtakingly pretty, especially when it's accompanied by a sunny morning.

As I wrote not so long ago, providing our children with an enhanced sense of the seasons is a great gift that will strengthen their souls and keep them open to what's spiritual in the world, what's working through and around them. There have been years when I didn't manage this, but I've discovered that even the smallest and simplest gestures toward acknowledging spring, summer, autumn and winter brings pleasure to me. It's always that initial impetus that's the most difficult, isn't it?