Friday, November 25, 2011

Picking up a thread

The title I've just written reminds me of my mother. She had a few superstitions and one of them was that if you picked a thread off someone else's clothing, that would mean good luck. Provided they didn't thank you!

Many's the time, however, that I've thanked my mother. You could say I 'got lucky', but it's far far more than that.

In any case, it's about parents that I want to talk today.

Recently I wrote about the karmic connections children have with their parents. What I want to bring to you now is one of the first ideas (I would call it a truth, but leave it to you to live with for a while and see if it resonates for you) I heard about when I came into this way of Magical Motherhood. This is that children choose their parents. While still in the heavenly world, we see which mother and which father will best serve our needs and the development steps we need to take in our forthcoming incarnation. And we help bring the couple together!

Now of course, none of us is perfect, so not everything we as parents give to our children, not all the ways we treat them, or the habits and traits we pass on can ever be ideal. Nevertheless, it can be affirming to know that we are the chosen ones, the couple who can best guide and bring up our children.

So, dear readers, when you feel you fall short, remember this and take comfort.