Saturday, June 11, 2011

About beauty

I read a good article the other day about how looking at good art increases happiness. It was great to see this truth becoming more widely recognized. Right now, I can't find the link, but will post it for you as soon as I do.

Now, the thing is, all the art that was used to back up the argument was from the Renaissance period. Nothing modern. And I can understand why. Although I'm a big fan of abstract art, much of contemporary art to me appears the opposite of beautiful. In fact, while seeking to hold up a mirror to our society, it's often deliberately ugly, hideous and shocking.

This applies too to many images on the web, in movies and books as well.

Remembering that we're trying to make childhood a good experience, I think this is something all those who look after small children should be aware of, and guard against. Soul-shocks are to be avoided if at all possible. I'm gearing up for a long post on the subject, and you can look for it by Monday. Yes, this weekend's a busy one for us because the Blue-eyed Boy is turning 5! I'm off to buy him a new book which I ordered. If it lives up to my expectations, I'll give you the details.

Meanwhile, look on beauty every day, if you can.
Till soon.