Tuesday, October 9, 2012

After the weekend

The Blue-eyed Boy will be with us today. This means he won't be in school. It's a wise decision on the part of his parents because he's suffering from too much weekend.

Pity the poor teachers who have to deal with this frequent ailment, most Mondays. And I'd guess it's more difficult after a long weekend. Simply a fact of life in our present world.

So, a wise decision. Sometimes a child who's not ill simply needs some down time. An intuitive kind of observation will tell you when and, truly, it can be a big help if you can manage a 'home day'. Fortunately, over most of the growing-up years, I was in such a position with our four children. When the occasional need arose, I could offer them the grace of a little space to just 'be'.

On another note, do you know the work of Magda Gerber? I'll add a p.s. to this post with a link for you.